Welcome to The Villages Billiards Club
THE VBC is a membership based social sports club for Villages residents.
Membership is open to ALL residents who want to support and or participate in Club activities including, but not limited to, monthly meetings, dinners, fun night matches, leagues, tournaments and other events.
Dues is $10.00 per person annually and covers the calendar year of January through December. Membership dues is used to help support club activities
Dues can be paid via:
Credit Card using Paypal (you do not need a Pay Pal Account)
By mailing your check made out to the VBC to: Treasurer Wendy Lord, 955 Cambridge Court, The Villages, Fl 32162. Please include your name, email address, Phone number, birth month and year and the name of your spouse or significant other, (if you wish).
OR by giving your payment to any VBC Officer.